Monday, May 17, 2004

American Idol - Who Cares?

Am I missing something?

Am I "out of the loop?" -- The generational loop, that is.

Item on NBC TV news this morning: it seems the voting on Fox's super-hit American Idol is flawed. Tens of millions of called-in votes from viewers are being ignored. Either they can't get through the stressed-out phone voting system while text messages are getting through or hackers are penetrating the system to skew the results in favor of internet gambling. Fox had no comment on the matter according to NBC news.

Like, who gives a shit? Israel is bulldozing hundreds of homes in the Gaza leaving 1000 homeless just this weekend alone. American kids are dying and killing in Iraq for the Bush/Halliburton oil aggression. A truly democratically elected government in Haiti is ejected (with U.S. complicity) and replaced with death squad thugs. Education and health care are going down the toilet here at home. And we're supposed to get riled up about voting irregularities on Fox TV?

To what decadent and pitiful state of affairs has this country and culture descended?

Should we be worrying about this?

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