Sunday, January 30, 2005

Material Boy

Jan 30, 2005

Finally, our things have arrived. At ten o'clock this mornig a truck showed up at Rachel's gate. After three days of calls to American Airlines at the airport and back in San Juan (our transfer point), all to no avail and with great frustration, our luggage est arrivée.

You never know how much you appreciate things, even mundane things, until you miss them and can't have them. Stacey's facial care solutions (I can't detail those because I have no knowledge of such items). My razor, shaving cream, medicine (never check your medicine), underpants, hairbrush. My Aramis! Sneakers and sandals. And on.

To replace this stuff by purchasing here was frightfully expensive. Everything is imported and outrageous. A stick of deodorant - $10. Sunscreen - $15. Forget it. We tuffed it out and we're not any bit worse for the wear. It was getting touchy though and I was starting to get antsy and angry.

The good side of all this is that we now have three more days' supplies of all life's travel necessities: tshirts, shorts, underwear, etc. So there you have it. Thought you'd appreciate how they marked the missing luggage in order to expedite its delivery to us, once delayed.

What's the meaning of the word "RUSH" down here? Can't figure that one out.

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