Sunday, February 20, 2005

Don't Believe Everything You Read On A BLOG.

Feb 20, 2005

My friend, Elisabeth Rucell, writes to tell me that the so-called Crocuses that had blossomed earlier this week were, in fact, Snowdrops. She, no doubt, was one of those who got sent to the Botanic Gardens by her parents as a kid. Me? I always thought crocuses were the first flowers to appear. You learn something new every day. Elisabeth, by the way, taught Earth Science at John Dewey High School for many years. Maybe that's whereby she knows the difference between a snow drop and a crocus. I stand corrected.

Yep, these are snowdrops, not crocuses. Sorry.
(photo by Jim Mercer)

Here's Crocus, pushing their way through the snow.
(not my photo).

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