Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Pumpkin Settles In.

Nov 2, 2004

The move was very tough on all of us. But particularly on our cat Pumpkin. Her whole world was turned upside down. We knew what was happening. She didn't. So she went to sleep one night in the old house - stripped to bare bones, all packed up. The next day she was taken, crying and mewing endlessly, to a new place. It was frightening. What was this? Where am I?

But cats are adaptable - it's a matter of time. I think she's settlin' in now. She spends time at the window, checking out the garden or the street action on Underhill. Else she's sprawled out on the bed. And when we're clicking away at our keyboards, she likes to "bother" us by draping her body in, around or on the keyboard, her tail swishing in front of the screen or messing up papers on the desk. She's really a pain. I just happen to love that pain.

Pumpkin settles in. That's her mentor, Misty (may he rest in peace) on the screen behind her.

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